This site is build using basalt-ng (License)
This website uses particles.js (License)
This website uses the Atkinson Hyperlegible font (License)
This website uses the Roboto Mono font (License)
This website uses oneko.js (License)
This website uses parts of Lemmy (License)
This website uses the Git icon (License)
This website uses the fediverse icon (License)
This website uses swup.js (License)
This website uses the Swup A11y plug (License)
This website uses the Swup preload plugin (License)
This website uses the Swup proggress bar plugin (License)
This website uses a selfhosted umami instance for anonymous GDPR and CCPA compliant web tracking.
This data is stored on my own nas in my home. So thus it is located in the EU.